CRIMINAL DEFENSE LAWYERAt our office, we will provide you with immediate attention to help you deal with your criminal defense in Connecticut.
We understand how difficult and scary it is to be charged with a crime, or worse yet, be arrested. Every client is special to us and we want to hear your story. If you have been arrested, DO NOT TALK TO ANYONE, until you discuss your case with our Attorney Juliana Zach. You have an absolute RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT! In our office, we handle a variety of cases in Superior Court all around Connecticut. You will be represented by Attorney Juliana Zach, who has extensive trial experience. She started her career in Florida as an Assistant State Attorney and handled hundreds of cases in both misdemeanor and felony dockets. She is very familiar with court procedures and understands the nuances of a criminal trial. If you are an immigrant charged with a crime, please let us know and we will make sure that your immigration rights are protected. This information is important, even if you already have a green card. A green card holder may still be deported, if charged with a deportable crime. As a foreigner, also know that you have the right to inform your consulate of your arrest. At our firm, we understand not only the consequences of a crime on your record, but also the negative impact it may have on your ability to remain living in the United States. |